The Prominent Nationwide Cemetery Property Listing Service
Hours of Operation - Monday thru Thursday 9:00am - 6:00pm EST
Friday 9:00am - 2:00pm EST



Falls Church Virginia

Available Cemetery Listings for the following Cemeteries:
National Memorial Park, Oakwood Cemetery

DD Companion Lawn Crypt $8900! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Ascension #cemeteryexchange 24-0111-6

Total Page Listings: 57

Featured Display Cemetery Properties for Sale
Be sure to check the Classified Listings below this Featured Listing section for more available properties

National Memorial Park - 7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Single Grave Space $1500! Nationial Memorial Park Falls Church, VA King David #cemeteryexchange 25-0131-5 DD Companion Grave Space $5K! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Lilac #cemeteryexchange 25-0120-5 Single Grave Space $2344! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Block I #cemeteryexchange 24-0529-6 DD Companion Lawn Crypt $8900! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Ascension #cemeteryexchange 24-0111-62 Single Grave Spaces $3Kea! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Block F The Cemetery Exchange 23-1214-5Single Grave Space $3995! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Block R The Cemetery Exchange 23-0815-34 Single Grave Spaces $3495ea! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Section/Block BB The Cemetery Exchange 23-0629-551 Single Grave Spaces $2188ea! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Block I #cemeteryexchange 23-0623-4 4 Single Grave Spaces $4Kea! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Block HH The Cemetery Exchange 22-1024-44 Single Grave Spaces on Sale Now $8400ea! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Block Z The Cemetery Exchange 22-0815-6DD Companion Grave Space for Sale $3500! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Floral Gdn The Cemetery Exchange 22-0726-220 Single Grave Spaces for Sale $3Kea! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Block G HH The Cemetery Exchange 22-0714-23 Single Crypts for Sale $5Kea! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA North East Mall The Cemetery Exchange 22-0714-12 Single Grave Spaces for Sale $8400 for both! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Section HH The Cemetery Exchange 22-0710-76 Crypts for Sale $3250ea! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Aspen Sunsinger The Cemetery Exchange 22-0710-2DD Companion Lawn Crypt for Sale $3500! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Masonic The Cemetery Exchange4 Single Grave Spaces for Sale $3500ea! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Block HH The Cemetery Exchange2 Single Grave Spaces for Sale $2400ea! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA King David Memorial Gardens The Cemetery Exchange3 Single Grave Spaces on Sale Now $2500ea! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Block I The Cemetery ExchangeDD Companion Lawn Crypt for Sale $4800! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA George Washington The Cemetery Exchange 21-0217-14 Single Grave Spaces for Sale $9900for all! National Memorial Park Falls Chiurch, VA Block F The Cemetery Exchange4 Single Grave Spaces for Sale $5Kea! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA  Section HH The Cemetery Exchange

Classified Listings of Available Cemetery Properties for Sale In Alphabetical Order by Cemetery
We are the listing service. We cannot answer any questions you may have regarding a particular listing or listings.
Look below - If there is a phone number on the listing - please contact the seller directly. If there is a button that references Seller Contact, click on that button
and provide the information we ask for so we can vet your information and place you in touch with the seller if their property is still available.

National Memorial Park - 7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

Single Grave Space $1200! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Last Supper The Cemetery Exchange 24-0430-3
7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042



LID: 24-0430-3

Property Type:


Grave Space



(1) Single




Verfied As Available Date:








Last Supper
















One burial site in a beautiful location a few feet from the Last Supper sculpture at National Memorial Park. Photos show the sculpture and the view of the sculpture from the site. The site was purchased in the 1970s and there are few sites still available in this area. The buyer will pay a $500 transfer fee to the cemetery at the time of purchase, but the cemetery will waive this fee if the buyer signs a contract to buy an opening and closing (internment fee) and a memorial marker. The buyer can convert the site into a double depth site by purchasing a second right of internment from the cemetery so that two can be buried there. The cemetery list price for this garden is about $2800.
Listing Specifications
- NOT Available for Immediate Need
No other merchandise, services, or fees included

click on images to enlarge

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

DD Companion Lawn Crypt $5K! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Dogwood Extension The Cemetery Exchange 24-0402-3
7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need


LID: 24-0402-3

Property Type:


Lawn Crypt



(1) Double Depth Companion




Verfied As Available Date:








Dogwood Extension




Lawn Crypt:


Levels A/B













 Illustration of a Double Depth Companion Lawn Crypt
(Double Vault has already been preinstalled by the cemetery
and is part of the Lawn Crypt)

Double Depth Companion Lawn Crypt Illustration - The Cemetery Exchange

Pristine Double Depth Companion (Turf top crypt - Stacked) located in a beautiful, sunny part of peaceful Dogwood Gardens Extension in incredibly well maintained Memorial Park, Falls Church, Virginia, close to our Nation's capitol. Save money by buying from me and we will work together with the funeral home to get you everything you need. 
Listing Specifications
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Available for Immediate Need
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Double Vault Included
- DO NOT TEXT SELLER - Seller will NOT Accept Texts. Please CALL the Seller Directly
No other merchandise, services, or fees included

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

DD Companion Lawn Crypt $8900! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Ascension The Cemetery Exchange 24-0111-6
7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need


LID: 24-0111-6

Property Type:


Lawn Crypt



(1) Double Depth Companion




Verfied As Available Date:












Lawn Crypt:


Levels A/B








Illustration of a Double Depth Companion Lawn Crypt
(Double Vault has already been preinstalled by the cemetery
and is part of the Lawn Crypt)

Double Depth Companion Lawn Crypt Illustration - The Cemetery Exchange

Pristine Double Depth Companion Lawn Crypt located in the beautifully maintained Garden of Ascension. Turf top Crypts, Lot 574, levels A&B with Bronze memorial and granite base. The Lot is located just to the right of the Sculpture of Mary. See picture below.

Listing Specifications
- Available for Immediate Need
- Transfer Fee Included
- Double Vault Included
- Companion Marker Included

- No other merchandise, services, or fees included

click on images to enlarge


                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

3 Single Crypts $5Kea! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Living Cross The Cemetery Exchange 23-0911-6
7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need


LID: 23-0911-6

Property Type:





(3) Singles




Verfied As Available Date:








Living Cross



Northwest Terrace









C, B, A






$5,000.00 each








These are three above-ground crypts, located in the Living Cross Mausoleum area of the Northwest Terrace overlooking the Park, Group NN, Unit #3; Levels C, B and A (A being the bottom crypt, the crypt that must be used Before B crypt is used, and C being the top crypt used anytime.
Listing Specifications
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Available for Immediate Need
- DO NOT TEXT SELLER - Seller will NOT Accept Texts. Please CALL the Seller Directly  
No other merchandise, services, or fees included

click on image to enlarge

click here for PDF version of map

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

4 Single Grave Spaces $5Kea! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Block X The Cemetery Exchange 23-0831-7
7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need


LID: 23-0831-7

Property Type:


Grave Spaces



(4) Singles




Verfied As Available Date:














1, 2, 3, 4






$5,000.00 each








Four Pristine Grave Spaces located in the beautifully maintained Block X. These spaces come with 4 corners and family bronze.

Listing Specifications
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Available for Immediate Need
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Transfer Fee Included
- DO NOT TEXT SELLER - Seller will NOT Accept Texts. Please CALL the Seller Directly  
No other merchandise, services, or fees included

click on image to enlarge

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

4 Single Grave Spaces $3495ea! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Section/Block BB The Cemetery Exchange 23-0629-5
7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need


LID: 23-0629-5

Property Type:


Grave Spaces



(4) Singles




Verfied As Available Date:














1, 2, 3, 4






$3,495.00 each







4 choice burial sites located near the George Washington Gardens North at National Memorial Park.   Seller will pay 1/2 the transfer fee. Cemetery currently retails for $6,995ea. We are selling for $3,495 each or $12,000 for all.
Listing Specifications
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Available for Immediate Need
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Seller will Split Transfer Fee with Buyer

- DO NOT TEXT SELLER - Seller will NOT Accept Texts. Please CALL the Seller Directly  
No other merchandise, services, or fees included

click on image to enlarge

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

DD Companion Lawn Crypt for Sale $7500! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Dogwood The Cemetery Exchange 23-0303-3
7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need


LID: 23-0303-3

Property Type:


Lawn Crypt



(1) Double Depth Companion




Verfied As Available Date:












Lawn Crypt:















Illustration of a Double Depth Companion Lawn Crypt
(Double Vault has already been preinstalled by the cemetery
and is part of the Lawn Crypt)

Double Depth Companion Lawn Crypt Illustration - The Cemetery Exchange

We are selling a beautiful burial plot located at National Memorial Park, 7482 Lee Highway, in Falls Church. Virginia. This is a lawn crypt with a double depth vault. It is in the Dogwood Garden, section E  space number 230. We are selling it for $7,500, which includes the $500 transfer fee, paid to the cemetery. 

The grounds are lovely and well maintained with rolling hills, trees, water features and sculptures. Easy access from DC metro areas. National Memorial Park offers services for all your internment needs and has amenities including a funeral home, chapel, event space, customized memorials, flat markers, and water features. 

Listing Specifications
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Available for Immediate Need
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Transfer Fee Included
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Double Vault Included
- DO NOT TEXT SELLER - Seller will NOT Accept Texts. Please CALL the Seller Directly  
No other merchandise, services, or fees included

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

2 DD Companion Grave Spaces for Sale $5Kea! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Gardenia The Cemetery Exchange 23-0119-7
7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need


LID: 23-0119-7

Property Type:


Grave Spaces



(2) Double Depth Companions




Verfied As Available Date:

















3 A/B, 4 A/B






$5,000.00 each







 Illustration of a Double Depth Companion Grave Space
(If the cemetery requires, vaults must be purchased by new buyer)

Both lots are double burial. They are on flat ground.

Listing Specifications
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Available for Immediate Need
- DO NOT TEXT SELLER - Seller will NOT Accept Texts. Please CALL the Seller Directly  
No other merchandise, services, or fees included

click on image to enlarge

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

3 Single Grave Spaces for Sale $4500ea! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Block I The Cemetery Exchange 23-0118-4
7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need


LID: 23-0118-4

Property Type:


Grave Spaces



(3) Singles




Verfied As Available Date:








Block I (eye)



461 - Level A



2, 3, 4






$NOW $3,600.00 each!
Price Reduced By: $900.00 each








Three Pristine Grave Spaces located in the beautifully maintained Block I at National Memorial Park.

Listing Specifications
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Available for Immediate Need
- DO NOT TEXT SELLER - Seller will NOT Accept Texts. Please CALL the Seller Directly  
No other merchandise, services, or fees included

click on image to enlarge

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

4 Single Grave Spaces for Sale $6100ea! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Block AA The Cemetery Exchange 23-0112-5
7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need


LID: 23-0112-5

Property Type:


Grave Spaces



(4) Singles




Verfied As Available Date:








Block AA






652 - Level A



1, 2, 3, 4






$6,100.00 each with Vaults
$5,100.00 each wihtout Vaults








Great location next to Foudation of Peace and the Living Crest.  Price to sell under market value.  Sold together or make offer for indivdual space.  Please note:  Grave Spaces 1 & 2 are for sale with Vaults for $6,100.00 each. Grave Spaces 3 & 4 are not for sale with Vaults for $5,100.00 each.

Listing Specifications
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Available for Immediate Need
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- 2 Vaults Included
- DO NOT TEXT SELLER - Seller will NOT Accept Texts. Please CALL the Seller Directly  
No other merchandise, services, or fees included

click on image to enlarge

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

4 Single Grave Spaces on Sale Now $8400ea! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Block Z The Cemetery Exchange 22-0815-6

7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate needListing ID:


LID: 22-0815-6

Property Type:


Grave Spaces



(4) Singles

Property Verfied As Available Date:








Block Z




Lot Number(s):



Grave Site Number(s):


1, 2, 3, 4




Seller Price:


$NOW $8,400.00 each!




Please Call Seller Directly:




Prime Sites in choice location, among the highest desirable locations in the National Cemetery, selling at 40% below the Cemetery's listed price.  Seller has several other Sites available for sale in other sections.  Will give discounts for multiple site sales.

Listing Specifications
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Available for Immediate Need
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange-
Transfer Fee Included
- DO NOT TEXT SELLER - Seller will NOT Accept Texts. Please CALL the Seller Directly  
 No other merchandise, services, or fees included

click on images to enlarge

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

2 Single Grave Spaces $7K! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Block T The Cemetery Exchange 22-0808-10
7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need


LID: 22-0808-10

Property Type:


Grave Spaces



(2) Singles




Verfied As Available Date:








Block T






1, 2





$NOW $7,000.00 for both!
Price Reduced By: $1,000.00

Two adjacent plots in the highly desirable section T of National Memorial Park. Plots in this area do not come available often. Plots sell for $8495 each, I am listing BOTH for $7,000. Incredible opportunity to purchase a pair of plots in one of the oldest sections close to the entrance. A rare opportunity.

Listing Specifications
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Available for Immediate Need
 No other merchandise, services, or fees included

click on image to enlarge

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

2 Single Grave Spaces for Sale $4500ea! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Block I-I The Cemetery Exchange 22-0510-6
7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need Listing ID:


LID: 22-0510-6

Property Type:


Grave Spaces



(2) Singles

Property Verfied As Available Date:











Block II (Eye Eye)

Lot Number(s):



Grave Site Number(s):


3, 4




Seller Price:


$4,500.00 each


One of the nicest locations in park.

Listing Specifications
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Available for Immediate Need
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange-
Transfer Fee Included
 No other merchandise, services, or fees included

click on image to enlarge

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

3 Single Grave Spaces $2500ea! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA  Section 557 The Cemetery Exchange 21-1027-5
7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need


LID: 21-1027-5

Property Type:


Grave Spaces



(3) Singles




Verfied As Available Date:














1, 2, 3





$2,500.00 each

Listing Specifications
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Available for Immediate Need
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Transfer Fee Included
No other merchandise, services, or fees included

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

DD Companion Lawn Crypt for Sale $8900! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Ascension The Cemetery Exchange 21-1027-1

7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate needListing ID:


LID: 21-1027-1

Property Type:


Lawn Crypt



(1) Double Depth Companion

Property Verfied As Available Date:












Lot Number(s):



Lawn Crypt Site Number(s):






PriceTagMark - The Cemetery Exchange Seller Price:



Please Call Seller Directly:




 Illustration of a Double Depth Companion Lawn Crypt
(Vaults (chambers) have already been preinstalled by the cemetery
and is part of the Lawn Crypt)

Double Depth Companion Lawn Crypt Illustration - The Cemetery Exchange

InformationMark - The Cemetery Exchange Turf top crypts, Garden of Ascension, unit 646, levels A&B with Bronze memorial and granite base.

Available for Immediate Need

- Yes

Transfer Fee Paid by Seller

- Yes

Vault(s) Included

- Yes

Opening(s) & Closing(s) Included

- No

Bronze Marker w/Granite Included

- Yes

Casket(s) Included

- No

Urn(s) Included

- No

Funeral Services Included

- No

Seller Will Finance for PreNeed

- No


                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

Urn Niche $7K! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA West Cloister The Cemetery Exchange 21-1026-9
7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042



LID: 21-1026-9

Property Type:


Urn Niche



(1) Can Fit Up to 3 Urns




Verfied As Available Date:








West Cloister



South Wall



Patio A

Urn Niche:








InformationMark - The Cemetery Exchange Located adjacent to the facility offices with adjoining parking.  This Niche is 16"w. 11" h. 40" d. and can accommodate 3 Urns.  It is in the West Cloister, South Wall on Patio A.  It is on the upper level, space B8.

Listing Specifications
- NOT Available for Immediate Need
No other merchandise, services, or fees included


                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

2 Single Grave Spaces for Sale $1800ea! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Gardenia The Cemetery Exchange 21-1026-6
7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate needListing ID:



Property Type:


Grave Spaces



(2) Singles

Property Verfied As Available Date:











Floral Garden Extension

Lot Number(s):



Grave Site Number(s):






PriceTagMark - The Cemetery Exchange Seller Price:


$1,800.00 each

Please Call Seller Directly:




InformationMark - The Cemetery Exchange 2 Pristine Grave Spaces in the beautifully maintained Gardenia Section of National Memorial Park. These grave spaces are located in the Floral Garden Extension.

Available for Immediate Need

- Yes

Transfer Fee Paid by Seller

- Yes

Vault(s) Included

- No

Opening(s) & Closing(s) Included

- No

Marker/Monument Included

- No

Casket(s) Included

- No

Urn(s) Included

- No

Funeral Services Included

- No

Seller Will Finance for PreNeed

- No


                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

Single Grave Space for Sale $4195! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA  Block E The Cemetery Exchange 21-1026-2
7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate needListing ID:



Property Type:


Grave Space



(1) Single

Property Verfied As Available Date:








Block E




Lot Number(s):



Grave Site Number(s):






PriceTagMark - The Cemetery Exchange Seller Price:



Please Call Seller Directly:



InformationMark - The Cemetery Exchange $2K discount off current prices for a burial site and vault (current price is $6,195). Site purchased in 1960’s is in a beautiful quiet area close to the Hollywood Road entrance under a lovely tree and just a few steps from the road for easy access. Additional fees can be paid to the cemetery if purchaser wishes to accommodate 2 caskets (or up to 4 urns) in same site. Owner has original deed and can perform immediate transfer if needed.

Available for Immediate Need

- Yes

Transfer Fee Paid by Seller

- Yes

Vault(s) Included

- Yes

Opening(s) & Closing(s) Included

- No

Marker/Monument Included

- No

Casket(s) Included

- No

Urn(s) Included

- No

Funeral Services Included

- No

Seller Will Finance for PreNeed

- No

click on image to enlarge

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

18 Single Grave Spaces for Sale $4500ea! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Block K The Cemetery Exchange 21-1026-1

7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate needListing ID:



Property Type:


Grave Spaces



(18) Singles

Property Verfied As Available Date:








Block K




Lot Number(s):


326, 637, 638, 992, 993

Grave Site Number(s):


1, 2 / 1-4 / 1-4 / 1-4 /1-4




PriceTagMark - The Cemetery Exchange Seller Price:


$4,500.00 each

EmailMark- The Cemetery Exchange Please eMail Seller Directly:

InformationMark - The Cemetery Exchange Estate settlement has 18 burial sites for sale at National Memorial Park Cemetery. Owner prefers to sell all lots with 2 or 4 sites together but will break it up. Sites were purchased in early 1950's when the park was just getting underway.

The Park sells these lots for over $6,000.00 each. The owner is asking $4,500.00 each, two for $8,000.00, or all 4 in each Lot for $15,000.00, but will accept any REASONABLE offers.

Available for Immediate Need

- Yes

Transfer Fee Paid by Seller

- No

Vault(s) Included

- No

Opening(s) & Closing(s) Included

- No

Marker/Monument Included

- No

Casket(s) Included

- No

Urn(s) Included

- No

Funeral Services Included

- No

Seller Will Finance for PreNeed

- No


                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

Single Grave Space for Sale $6K! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Magnolia The Cemetery Exchange 21-0426-7
7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate needListing ID:



Property Type:


Grave Space



(1) Single

Property Verfied As Available Date:












Lot Number(s):



Grave Site Number(s):






PriceTagMark - The Cemetery Exchange Seller Price:



Please Call Seller Directly:




InformationMark - The Cemetery Exchange National Memorial Park, 7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA. Sec MAGNOLIA. Special Muslim Section. $6000 (Retail price is $8000-10000 ea.). Lot is very close to access road, easy for visitation.

Available for Immediate Need

- Yes

Transfer Fee Paid by Seller

- No

Vault(s) Included

- No

Opening(s) & Closing(s) Included

- No

Marker/Monument Included

- No

Casket(s) Included

- No

Urn(s) Included

- No

Funeral Services Included

- No

Seller Will Finance for PreNeed

- No

click on images to enlarge

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

5 Single Grave Spaces $15K for all! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA King David Memorial Gardens The Cemetery Exchange 21-0329-7

7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042


LID: 21-0329-7

Property Type:


Grave Spaces



(5) Singles




Verfied As Available Date:








King David Memorial Gardens






285  / 286



2, 3, 4 /  3, 4





$15,000.00 for all

InformationMark - The Cemetery Exchange Exclusive grouping of 5 choice sites in desirable Jewish cemetery. Retail price $3900 each; offering the group for $15,000 ($4500 savings!). Will cover transfer fee. Includes valuable bonus merchandise for 2 plots: burial container, bronze memorial on granite foundation.

Listing Specifications
- NOT Available for Immediate Need
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Transfer Fee Included
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- 2 Vaults Included
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- 2 Bronze Markers Included
No other merchandise, services, or fees included

click on image to enlarge

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

DD Companion Lawn Crypt on Sale Now $4K! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Holly The Cemetery Exchange 21-0209-7
7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need Listing ID:



Property Type:


Lawn Crypts



(1) Double Depth Companion

Property Verfied As Available Date:








Holly Garden




Lot Number(s):



Lawn Crypt Site Number(s):






PriceTagMark - The Cemetery Exchange Seller Price:


$NOW $4,000.00!

Please Call Seller Directly:




Illustration of a Double Depth Companion Lawn Crypt
(Vaults (chambers) have already been preinstalled by the
cemetery and is part of the Lawn Crypt)

InformationMark - The Cemetery Exchange Pristine Double Depth Companion Lawn Crypt located in the beautifully maintained Holly Garden at National Memorial Park. Pricing includes Bronze Memorial Marker.

Available for Immediate Need

- Yes

Transfer Fee Paid by Seller

- Yes

Vault(s) Included

- Yes

Opening(s) & Closing(s) Included

- No

Bronze Marker Included

- Yes

Casket(s) Included

- No

Urn(s) Included

- No

Funeral Services Included

- No

Seller Will Finance for PreNeed

- No

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

8 Single Grave Spaces for Sale $2995ea! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA  Block AA The Cemetery Exchange 21-0209-1
7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate needListing ID:



Property Type:


Grave Spaces



(8) Singles

Property Verfied As Available Date:











Block AA

Lot Number(s):


660, 181

Grave Site Number(s):


1, 2, 3, 4  / 1, 2, 3, 4




PriceTagMark - The Cemetery Exchange Seller Price:


$2,995.00 each

Please Call Seller Directly:




InformationMark - The Cemetery Exchange We have eight burial sites available, located in a beautiful section of National Memorial Park. Cost is $2995 per burial site.  If purchased directly from National MP, the retail value is $6400 per site - we are offering a $3405 savings. We prefer to sell in lots of four, but will consider selling in pairs. Price is negotiable with more sites purchased. The park charges a transfer fee of $200 per site, which we will pay. These have been handed down in our family for several generations, but remain pristine and unused.  Map and photos are available.  Spaces can be made double depth companion with a separate fee paid directly to the cemetery.

Available for Immediate Need

- Yes

Transfer Fee Paid by Seller

- Yes

Vault(s) Included

- No

Opening(s) & Closing(s) Included

- No

Marker/Monument Included

- No

Casket(s) Included

- No

Urn(s) Included

- No

Funeral Services Included

- No

Seller Will Finance for PreNeed

- No

click on images to enlarge

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

4 Single Grave Spaces on Sale Now $5800ea! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA King DavidThe Cemetery Exchange 21-0118-5

7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need Listing ID:



Property Type:


Grave Spaces



(4) Singles

Property Verfied As Available Date:








King David Memorial Gardens



Block 15

Lot Number(s):



Grave Site Number(s):


1A, 2A, 5A, 6A




PriceTagMark - The Cemetery Exchange Seller Price:


$NOW $5,800.00 each!

Please Call Seller Directly:




InformationMark - The Cemetery Exchange 4 Pristine Grave Spaces located in the beautifully maintained King David Memorial Gardens.

Available for Immediate Need

- Yes

Transfer Fee Paid by Seller

- Yes

Vault(s) Included

- No

Opening(s) & Closing(s) Included

- No

Marker/Monument Included

- No

Casket(s) Included

- No

Urn(s) Included

- No

Funeral Services Included

- No

Seller Will Finance for PreNeed

- No

click on images to enlarge

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

2 Grave Spaces for Sale $5600ea! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Section II The Cemetery Exchange 19-1206-1
7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate needListing ID: 19-1206-1
Property Type: Grave Spaces
Quantity: (2) Singles
This property verified as available as of 12/06/2019


Section:  Block II
Lot(s): 1405
Grave Site Number(s): 3, 4
PriceTagMark - The Cemetery Exchange Seller Price:
$5,600.00 each  
Please Call: 510-461-3635

The Seller Will:

CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange - Make these Grave Spaces available for immediate need
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange - Pay Transfer Fee to Cemetery

click on image to enlarge

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

3 Single Grave Spaces for Sale $6ea! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Block FF The Cemetery Exchange 19-0516-4

7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate needListing ID:



Property Type:


Grave Spaces



(3) Singles

Property Verfied As Available Date:








Block FF




Lot Number(s):


53, 54

Grave Site Number(s):


3 /  3




PriceTagMark - The Cemetery Exchange Seller Price:


$6,000.00 each

Please Call Seller Directly:



InformationMark - The Cemetery Exchange If you want to buy all three together you can have them for $15,000.

Available for Immediate Need

- Yes

Transfer Fee Paid by Seller

- No

Vault(s) Included

- No

Opening(s) & Closing(s) Included

- No

Marker/Monument Included

- No

Casket(s) Included

- No

Urn(s) Included

- No

Funeral Services Included

- No

Seller Will Finance for PreNeed

- No


click on image to enlarge


                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

3 Crypts for Sale $15995 King David Memorial Gardens Falls Church, VA Living Cross Northwest Mall The Cemetery Exchange

7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate needListing ID: 19-0408-3
Property Type: Mausoleum Crypts
Quantity: (3) Singles
This property verified as available as of 04/10/2019

Garden:  Living Cross - Northwest Mall
Section:  Group A

Lot(s): No. 1
Crypt Site Number(s): Levels C, B, A
PriceTagMark - The Cemetery Exchange Seller Price:
$15,995.00 for all
Please Call: 304-258-5163

InformationMark - The Cemetery Exchange Three choice Mausoleum Crypts in beautiful King David Memorial Gardens, Living Cross Group A No 1. Levels C,B,A. All for immediate need. Current list price $10,800 each will sell all three for $15,995.

The Seller Will:

CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange - Make these Mausoleum Crypts available for immediate need
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange - Pay Transfer Fee to Cemetery

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

2 Crypts for Sale $15K ea - National Memorial Park - Falls Church, VA - Great Memorial Court - The Cemetery Exchange
7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need Listing ID:



Property Type:


Mausoleum Crypt



(2) Westminster Abbey Style

Property Verfied As Available Date:








Great Memorial Court



NE Mall

Lot Number(s):


Group R - Unit 12

Lawn Crypt Site Number(s):


Levels A, B




PriceTagMark - The Cemetery Exchange Seller Price:


$15,000.00 each


click on image to enlarge

Illustration credit remember Architecture 

InformationMark - The Cemetery Exchange 2 Crypts in the beautifully maintained North East Mall at National Memorial Park. Near the Fountain of Faith. Westminster style crypts. Level A is slightly below ground. Level B is at ground level. These are choice cemetery crypts A & B in Group R Levels A & B. Please note that the crypt that is below ground must be used before the crypt at floor level.The grounds are lovely and well maintained with rolling hills, trees, water features, and sculptures. Easy access from DC metro areas. Seller will cover the $200 Transfer Fee required by the cemetery to transfer the deed. $15,000.00 each or Best Offer!

Available for Immediate Need

- Yes

Transfer Fee Paid by Seller

- Yes

Vault(s) Included

- No

Opening(s) & Closing(s) Included

- No

Marker/Monument Included

- No

Casket(s) Included

- No

Urn(s) Included

- No

Funeral Services Included

- No

Seller Will Finance for PreNeed

- No


                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

2 Grave Spaces for Sale $7Kea - National Memorial Park - Falls Church, VA - Section X - The Cemetery Exchange
7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate needListing ID: 19-0131-2
Property Type: Grave Spaces
Quantity: (2) Singles
This property verified as available as of 01/31/2019


Section: X
Lot(s): 326
Grave Site Number(s): 3, 4
PriceTagMark - The Cemetery Exchange Seller Price:
$7,000.00 each
Please Call:

InformationMark - The Cemetery Exchange Lots located on a nice hillside within 200' of interior roadway. Flat bronze on granite markers are standard. Lots are sold as a pair. $7,000 each - NEGOTIABLE.  Methods of payment: - Cash or U.S.Postal Service Money Orders.

The Seller Will:

CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange - Make these Grave Spaces available for immediate need
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange - Pay Transfer Fee to Cemetery

click on image to enlarge

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

DD Companion Lawn Crypt for Sale $2499! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Maple Garden The Cemetery Exchange 19-0124-4

7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate needListing ID:



Property Type:


Lawn Crypt



(1) Double Depth Companion

Property Verfied As Available Date:








Maple Garden




Lot Number(s):



Lawn Crypt Site Number(s):






PriceTagMark - The Cemetery Exchange Seller Price:



Please Call Seller Directly:




Illustration of a Double Depth Companion Lawn Crypt
(Vaults (chambers) have already been preinstalled by the cemetery
and is part of the Lawn Crypt)

Double Depth Companion Lawn Crypt Illustration - The Cemetery Exchange

InformationMark - The Cemetery Exchange Pristine Double Depth Companion Lawn Crypt in the beautifully maintained Maple Garden.

Available for Immediate Need

- Yes

Transfer Fee Paid by Seller

- Yes

Vault(s) Included

- No

Opening(s) & Closing(s) Included

- No

Marker/Monument Included

- No

Casket(s) Included

- No

Urn(s) Included

- No

Funeral Services Included

- No

Seller Will Finance for PreNeed

- No


                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

DD Companion Lawn Crypt for Sale $8400 National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA Primrose The Cemetery Exchange 19-0124-2
7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate needListing ID:



Property Type:


Lawn Crypt



(1) Double Depth Companion

Property Verfied As Available Date:








Primrose Garden



George Washington Memorial

Lot Number(s):



Lawn Crypt Site Number(s):






PriceTagMark - The Cemetery Exchange Seller Price:


$8,400.00 - WILL NEGOTIATE

Please Call Seller Directly:



Illustration of a Double Depth Companion Lawn Crypt
(Vaults (chambers) have already been preinstalled by the cemetery
and is part of the Lawn Crypt)

Double Depth Companion Lawn Crypt Illustration - The Cemetery Exchange

InformationMark - The Cemetery Exchange Primrose Garden, Unit 76, Levels A&B (with one 2-tier crypt and one 24x14 marker).

Available for Immediate Need

- Yes

Transfer Fee Paid by Seller

- Yes

Vault(s) Included

- No

Opening(s) & Closing(s) Included

- No

(24 x 14) Marker Included

- Yes

Casket(s) Included

- No

Urn(s) Included

- No

Funeral Services Included

- No

Seller Will Finance for PreNeed

- No


                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

6 Grave Spaces for Sale $6500ea - National Memorial Park - Falls Church - VA - TheCemetery
7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate needListing ID: 19-0123-5
Property Type: Grave Spaces
Quantity: (6) Singles
This property verified as available as of 01/23/2019

Garden: Near the Fountain of Faith

Section: W
Lot(s): 483, 484
Grave Site Number(s): Lot 483, Spaces 3, 4
                                     Lot 484, Spaces 1, 2, 3, 4

PriceTagMark - The Cemetery Exchange Seller Price:
$6,500.00 each  
Please Call: 843-469-3671

InformationMark - The Cemetery Exchange 6 Pristine grave spaces in the beautifully maintained National Memorial Park. These spaces are near the Fountain of Faith.

The Seller Will:

CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange - Make these Grave Spaces available for immediate need
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange - Pay Transfer Fee to Cemetery

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

4 Single Grave Spaces for Sale $9995 for all! National Memorial Park Falls Church, VA King David The Cemetery Exchange 19-0110-3
7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate needListing ID:



Property Type:


Grave Spaces



(4) Singles

Property Verfied As Available Date:








King David Memorial Garden




Lot Number(s):



Grave Site Number(s):


1, 2, 3, 4




PriceTagMark - The Cemetery Exchange Seller Price:


$9,995.00 for all

Please Call Seller Directly:



InformationMark - The Cemetery Exchange Four adjacent Cemetery Plots: King David Memorial Gardens. Burial rights and perpetual care for four persons at King David Memorial Gardens in Falls Church, VA. King David is a beautiful cemetery. Most areas of the cemetery have ground-level markers allowing for unobstructed uncongested vistas. Can respond promptly to an urgent need.

Available for Immediate Need

- Yes

Transfer Fee Paid by Seller

- Yes

Vault(s) Included

- No

Opening(s) & Closing(s) Included

- No

Marker/Monument Included

- No

Casket(s) Included

- No

Urn(s) Included

- No

Funeral Services Included

- No

Seller Will Finance for PreNeed

- No

click on images to enlarge

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

Grave Space for Sale $3500 - King David Christian Section - National Memorial Park - Falls Church, VA - The Cemetery Exchange
7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate needListing ID: 17-0708-1
Property Type: Grave Space
Quantity: (1) Single
This property verified as available as of 10/29/2018

Garden: King David Memorial Garden (Christian Section)

Section: Block F
Lot(s): 625
Grave Site Number(s): 2
PriceTagMark - The Cemetery Exchange Seller Price:
Please Call:

InformationMark - The Cemetery Exchange This is a single-depth lot but can be expanded to double depth by paying an extra free to the cemetery. The usual price is $6,000 so we are offering a substantial savings.

The Seller Will:

CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange - Make this Grave Space available for immediate need

Oakwood Cemetery - 401 N Roosevelt St, Falls Church, VA 22046

3 Single Grave Spaces for Sale $6Kea! Oakwood Cemetery Falls Church, VA Section C The Cemetery Exchange 21-0421-5
   Oakwood Cemetery
401 N Roosevelt St, Falls Church, VA 22046


Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate needListing ID:



Property Type:


Grave Spaces



(3) Singles

Property Verfied As Available Date:












Lot Number(s):



Grave Site Number(s):


10, 11, 12




PriceTagMark - The Cemetery Exchange Seller Price:


$6,000.00 each

Please Call Seller Directly:



InformationMark - The Cemetery Exchange Cemetery Plots $6,000 Falls Church, Virginia. Three Cemetery plots, Best location sold out Lot #17, Section C, 75 feet from Entrance to Oakwood Cemetery. Behind Koons Ford, Seven Corners, VA. Cost $6,000 each, Sell all 3 Negotiable from $18,000 together or 1 to 3  $6,000 each.  Plot 10, 11 and 12, Head to Head or Side by Side Headstones allowed. Phone calls only at 304-350-0729

Available for Immediate Need

- Yes

Transfer Fee Paid by Seller

- No

Vault(s) Included

- No

Opening(s) & Closing(s) Included

- No

Marker/Monument Included

- No

Casket(s) Included

- No

Urn(s) Included

- No

Funeral Services Included

- No

Seller Will Finance for PreNeed

- No

click on images to enlarge

Sold Cemetery Property

Below represents KNOWN sales. As a listing service, we do not get involved in the sale. We must rely on sellers letting us know when their property has sold and is no longer available. As a listing service, we do not know when it sold or how much it sold for.


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