The Prominent Nationwide Cemetery Property Listing Service
Hours of Operation - Monday thru Thursday 9:00am - 6:00pm EST
Friday 9:00am - 2:00pm EST






List to Sell - One-Time Fee Only - No Hidden Fees   -  No Commissions  - $71.95 - $329.95

We are a Listing Service. We do not get involved in negotiations between you and your buyer.
We do not get involved in money exchange or deed transfer.
Deed transfer is done by the cemetery personnel.

    One listing is considered cemetery property in the same garden and section. You may have multiple lot numbers and grave numbers.
If you have cemetery property to sell that is in multiple gardens and sections, please complete an additional listing submission for each garden/section.

 Before you complete the form below, please read and review these comments:

            Selling cemetery property takes a great deal of patience. It is not a quick sale.
t is very very difficult to sell traditional burial property. We are in a very high climate of cremation and we have been for some time.
COVID has pushed that cremation rate through the roof. So what was already a difficult sell has become even more difficult.
Also, the majority of people now opting for cremation do not want to inter their cremains. It is all boiling down to cost.
We tell you this in case someone told you that selling cemetery property (interment rights) is a quick sell. It is not.
On a positive note we are seeing an increase in people doing their preplanning due to COVID.

 Be sure to review:  

If you are ready, please proceed to the form below!      

 Listing Submission Form
 * Required field

* First Name: * Last Name:  

Street Address:

City:  State: Zip:  

* Contact Phone:

* Can Your Contact Phone Number Send and Receive Text Messages?   Y/N
(This is for our internal use only)

* Email Address:
Please ensure that your eMail address is correct.

Do you wish to also have your email address as a point of contact on your listing? Y/N
Only select this if you are purchasing a Direct Contact Listing

         Once your listing is added, we will send a confirmation along with your listing ID.
Please be sure to add to your email safe list

What Type of Cemetery Property You Are Selling? (please select one)
If you have more than one type of property to sell, please complete a separate listing submission -
Not sure what type of interment rights you have? Click here

Grave Space(s)      Single Depth      Double Depth  (Do NOT select this unless you have prepaid for the 2nd Right of Interment. Must provide supporting documentation )

Community Mausoleum (Crypt)     
 Single      True Companion (Head to Head)    Deluxe Companion (Side by Side & Shares One Crypt Plate)    Westminster      Interior      Exterior

Lawn Crypt (Turf Top Crypt)     
Single Depth      Double Depth

Private Mausoleum
(This is a walk-in, stand alone Mausolem not located within a community mausoleum building)

Cremation Niche     
Single      Companion      Granite/Marble Front      Glass Front      Interior      Exterior

Private Cremation Columbarium    
  Individual      Family

* Quantity:  Asking Price: Each? (Y/N)

Will you consider seller/owner financing? (Y/N)
Will you pay the cemetery transfer fee? (Y/N)
Are vault(s) or outer burial container(s) included in this sale? (Y/N)
(Only select 'Y' if you have already prepurchased this item. Must provide supporting documentation)
Are Opening & Closing Fee(s) included in this sale? (Y/N)
(Only select Y' if you have already prepurchased this item Must provide supporting documentation)
Are any Memorial(s) or Monument(s) included in this sale? (Y/N)
(Only select Y'  if you have already prepurchased this item. Must provide supporting documentation)

*In the event of a natural disaster or emergency, would you be willing to donate your cemetery property to a family in need?
(this information will not be displayed on your property listing)  (Y/N) 

Where is Your Cemetery Property Located?

* Cemetery Name:

Cemetery Address:

City:  * State: Zip:

Are there any additional cities that you would like your cemetery listing posted available for sale?
FOR EXAMPLE: You are selling grave spaces at Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills in Los Angeles, CA. You may want to also have your
listing posted on the Hollywood Hills, CA and the Hollywood, CA cemetery city pages.

(Additional Cemetery Cities are $10.00 per additional Cemetery City. - This amount will be added to your base listing rate)

Additional Cemetery City 1:
Additional Cemetery City 2:   
Additional Cemetery City 3:   
 Additional Cemetery City 4:    

 What is your Cemetery Property Location within the Cemetery?

Garden Name:
(i.e The Garden of The Good Shepard, Rest Garden, Garden of Peace, etc)

Section Number:  Lot Number:  Space Site Numbers:
                  Separate space numbers with a comma

Be as descriptive as you can about your cemetery property and where it is located within the cemetery.
Selling cemetery property is like selling your house. What separates your property from all the other properties listed?
Be as descriptive as you can. Is your property near a cemetery feature like a waterfall, pond, lake, cemetery statuary?
Is it in the shade? Is it on a hill?  Is your property near a road (very important for easy visitation). What is the availability like for retail opportunities in your garden?
Limited to no availability can be very valuable to someone who have loved ones or ancestors in your garden and have not been able to purchase from the cemetery.

For Mausoleums and Cremation Niches:
If you have a mausoleum crypt - it is inside or outside? What is the level? The first four levels (from the ground up) are the most valuable and the most desirable.

Be sure to include the building name or number, the level your crypts or niches are located,
and if you know what kind of crypts they are. i.e. Single, True Companion, Tandem, etc

Level 1 = Prayer
Level 2 = Heart
Level 3 = Eye
Level 4 = Touch
Levels 5 or higher = Heaven
Abbey or Westminster = 1 crypt just below floor level, 1 at floor level

* Will you make your cemetery property available for Immediate Need? (Y/N)
Do you have the original deed to the cemetery property you are selling? (Y/N)
(if you do not, ensure with the cemetery that you have everything they require in order to transfer deed.

We will require a copy of your deed or certificate of ownership or purchase agreement in order to list with us.
It is for our verification process so we can ensure that the legal description of the property you are trying to sell, matches your listing submission.
We realize that it may not be in your name since this may be property that you have inherited, or you are assisting another in selling.
We will never share your cemetery documentation with anyone. It is for our internal use only.

Do you have additional PERSONAL photographs that you would like be part of your listing? (Y/N) 
PLEASE NOTE: We allow 7 photos at no cost. If you provide more than 7 photos, we will invoice you for
the remaining at $5.00 per photo. Maps are not included as photos.

(If you have photos you will have the opportunity to send them to us once you receive our submission acknowledgement)

* How did you hear about us?

* Listing Type:  Direct Contact Classified ($71.95)     Direct Contact Display Featured ($107.95)
Direct Contact Display Featured PLUS ($155.95)       Direct Contact Display Premium ($299.95)  

Private Classified
($96.95)   Private Display Featured ($132.95)  
  Private Display Featured PLUS ($180.95)       Private Display Premium ($329.95)   

If you have selected a Private listing - Do you want The Cemetery Exchange to release your telephone number to a potential buyer? (Y/N)

Payment Type: Debit/Credit Card through PayPal       Check or Money Order

When you select PayPal©, we will send you a link to your PayPal© invoice once we have received your cemetery documentation.
You cannot pay from this form. A PayPal© account is NOT needed to use your Debit or Credit Card.
We use PayPal© as our merchant so we do not capture any of your financial information. PayPal © does not share any of your financial information with us.
You will make your payment in private.

When you select Check, we will send you remittance instructions with your acknowledgement.

 Press Submit to send your info to The Cemetery Exchange

Press Reset to clear the form



Contact Us

Toll Free: 866-754-6573
Toll Free Fax: 866-339-5501

Our Online Hours

Monday thru Thursday - 9:00am to 6:00pm EST
Friday - 9:00am to 2:00pm EST
Closed and Offline - Saturday thru Sunday

Quick Links

What Must Be Done at Time of Death
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Frequently Asked Questions
Privacy Policy
Terms & Conditions




The Prominent Nationwide Online Listing Service for
Privately Owned Cemetery Properties