The Prominent Nationwide Cemetery Property Listing Service |
7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042
Cemetery Property |
on map for directions to cemetery
Our monastery has inherited 1 choice grave site in desirable Block R.
Current market price is $8,995 each; we're asking $3,995 OR BEST OFFER. We will cover the transfer fees.
The site our monastery is offering is located on a grassy hillside, close to the Park's entrance. It has a view of the Four Chaplains Memorial -- a large, modernist art piece representing a flying dove/ship's hull and honoring four US Army chaplains who sacrificed their lives to save shipmates during WWII.
Nearby memorial sculptures include the famous Fountain of Faith, the Last Supper and the Pieta, as well as a peaceful pond that is home to a flock of beautiful swans.
Purchasing from us will save you money and provide peace of mind because you'll be dealing with nuns.
You'll also have the joy of helping our Sisterhood financially as we build our Monastery, while we will have the joy of providing you with a peaceful interment space.
Grave Space Quantity: (1)
property verified as available as of 12/18/2023
Section/Block: R Lot:
141 Grave: 2
Seller Price: $3,995.00
Please Email Seller
*photo may not be a representation of sellers actual property location withing the cemetery - but is a representation of the cemetery