The Prominent Nationwide Cemetery Property Listing Service |
7482 Lee Highway, Falls
Church, VA 22042
Featured Cemetery Property |
on map for directions to cemetery
of a Double Depth Companion Lawn Crypt
Vault has already been preinstalled by the cemetery and is
part of the Lawn Crypt)
Double Depth Turf
Topped Crypt (Lawn Crypt). Priced well below National Memorial Park.
includes Bronze Memorial 24 x 14 with vase and scrolls for memorialization.
Immediate availability. Seller to pay transfer fee.
Type: Lawn Crypt Quantity: (1)
Double Depth Companion
property verified as available as of 12/09/2022
Garden: George Washington Section:
Evergreen Lot(s): 573 Lawn
Crypt Site Number(s): 573 A/B
Seller Price: $4,800.00
Please Call Seller Directlyl: 540-229-1555
*photo(s) may not be a representation of sellers actual property location with the cemetery - but is a representation of the cemetery