Memorial Park

Please Note** - New York is a First Right of Refusal State. You need to contact your cemetery of your desire to sell or transfer burial rights. The resale of burial rights is regulated by the New York State Cemetery Board. In accordance with New York State Cemetery Law, the cemetery has the right of first refusal to buy back burial rights. If the cemetery chooses to purchase, the price will be set according to a state-approved formula. If the cemetery declines, then the current owner has the right to sell, once approval has been obtained by the New York State Division of Cemeteries.
- Transfer of Property

Buyer looking for property at SAINT MICHAEL'S CATHOLIC
CEMETERY in EAST ELMHURST, NY. Looking for either
a True Companion Crypt or Deluxe Companion Crypt. May
consider 2 Singles - Side by Side. Contact us at 866-754-6573 and
mention code SMCC-0214-1
if you have cemetery property you are willing to sell
that meets this criteria.

Buyer looking for property at SAINT CHARLES CATHOLIC
CEMETERY in FARMINGDALE, NY. Looking for Single
Mausoleum Crypt Contact us at 866-754-6573 and
mention code SCCC-0211-1
if you have cemetery property you are willing to sell
that meets this criteria.

Buyer looking for property at FERNCLIFF CEMETERY &
MAUSOLEUM in HARTSDALE, NY Looking for either a Double Depth
Companion Grave Space or 2 Single Spaces - Side by Side. Contact us at 866-754-6573 and
mention code FERN0205-51
if you have cemetery property you are willing to sell
that meets this criteria.

Buyer looking for property at SAINT JOHN CEMETERY in
MIDDLE VILLAGE, NY. Looking for Deluxe Companion
Crypt (side by side) located on the 3rd or 5th Floor
at Eye Level (Level 3). Preferrably with wood front.
Contact us at 866-754-6573 and
mention code SJC-020625-1
if you have cemetery property you are willing to sell
that meets this criteria.
