The Prominent Nationwide Cemetery Property Listing Service
6920 Lone
Star Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32211
Cemetery Property |
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of a Double Depth Companion Lawn Crypt
Vault has already been preinstalled by the cemetery and is
part of the Lawn Crypt)
Available for immediate need. Devotion North, Row A, Space 2 sits against an ivy-covered wall, beneath huge live oak trees draped in moss.
This single space, double depth crypt includes bronze memorial marker.
Opening & closing fees are not included. Seller will pay the transfer fee.
Type: Lawn Crypt Quantity: (1)
Double Depth Companion
property verified as available as of 02/20/2025
Garden: Devotion Section:
North Lot: Row A Lawn
Crypt: 2
Price: $4,500.00