The Prominent Nationwide Cemetery Property Listing Service |
4100 Steilacoom Blvd, Lakewood, WA 98499
Cemetery Property |
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This plot accommodates two caskets and cremains. Mt. view recommends that only four cremains be buried on top.
The additional casket and cremains would incur additional "rights to" charges by Mt. View. Mt. View would also advise about headstones.
This beautiful spot is located in the lower level in the Sacred Rose section and sits in front of the tree, but along the road in this photo which was taken October 2023.
The plot is easily accessed as it sits along a paved roadside and as you can see from this photo, the well treed area has a reservoir nearby and is well set among the beautiful well-kept grounds.
This fair price is less than Mt. View's charge of $5,500. I will pay the transfer fee. Last I checked it was $175.
The exchange must be made in person between buyer and seller with an official member of Mt. View Memorial Park facilitating the exchange in the office is located at the entrance of the park.
Grave Space Quantity: (1)
property verified as available as of 07/11/2024
Garden: Sacred
Lot: 20 Grave: 5