The Prominent Nationwide Cemetery Property Listing Service
What am I Buying?
Most cemeteries will allow a casket and urn burial in one space or two urns. Check with your cemetery to see if your space qualifies. If so, you will want to add this information to your listing. A
grave space can be single depth or double depth (companion). Check with the
cemetery to see if your grave space can be made a double depth with the buyer
paying a separate fee to the cemetery. If your grave space can be made
a double depth, you will want to include this information in the description
section of your listing. |
level that your crypt(s) is on is important: Level
1 (Prayer Level) Level 2 (Heart Level) Level 3
(Eye Level) Level 4 (Touch Level) Level 5 +
(Faith & Heaven Levels). The lower the level the more value it may have.
Ensure that you check with the cemetery for them to verify what
level your crypt is on.
There are many options for mausoleum entombment: (illustration credits to remember Architecture).
click on images to enlarge
Single Crypt |
Couch Crypt |
Tandem (True Companion) Crypt |
Side-by-Side Crypt |
Westminster or Abbey Crypt |
A single Crypt entombs one casket. |
A Couch Crypt is considered a single crypt for one casket however there is a difference in the orientation of the casket. You can also have a Couch Crypt Companion for two caskets laid back to front. |
A Tandem Crypt is also called a True Companion crypt where the caskets are entombed head to head. |
A side-by-side crypt is also called a companion crypt or Deluxe Companion crypt. Caskets are entombed side-by-side with no 'wall' or divider and usually there is only one crypt plate that covers both caskets. |
A Westminster or Abbey Crypt is unique as one casket is placed below floor level and the other casket is placed at floor level. |
A private mausoleum is a stand-a-lone walk in family walk-in building. These are usually custom made based on family requirements and can house multiple family crypts and niches. They can also contain sitting areas inside the mausoleum for family members to reflect. (photo credit Cold Spring USA).
A private family non walk-in mausoleum can be for a single casket, 2 side by side caskets, or multiple stacked caskets. (photo credit Cold Spring USA).
Cremation niches house cremation remains or urns of the deceased. Niches can be glass front or granite front. They can be in the interior of a mausoleum building or exterior of a mausoleum building. Niches can be single, double (companion) or more. (photo credit Cold Spring USA).
A columbarium is a stand-a-lone structure that houses many cremated remains (niches). Their structures can come in many shapes and size and are usually built to make a beautiful feature within a cemetery. (photo credit Cold Spring USA).
A private family columbarium houses the cremated remains of family members. They can be a single, companion or more. (photo credit
A cremation bench can be for a single urn or multiple urns. They come in many designs and sizes. (photo credit clear stream monuments)