The Prominent Nationwide Cemetery Property Listing Service
Hours of Operation - Monday thru Thursday 9:00am - 6:00pm EST
Friday 9:00am - 2:00pm EST



Paramus New Jersey

Available Cemetery Listings for the following Cemeteries:
Cedar Park Cemetery, Garden of Memories, George Washington Memorial Park

True Companion Crypt $22K! Cedar Park Cemetery Paramus, NJ Sanctuary of Abraham & Sarah #cemeteryexchange 25-0226-5

Total Page Listings: 18

Featured Display Cemetery Properties for Sale In Alphabetical Order by Cemetery
Be sure to check the Classified Listings below this Featured Listing section for more available properties

Beth El Cemetery - 735 Forest Ave, Paramus, NJ 07652

2 Single Grave Spaces $4Kea! Beth El Cemetery Paramus, NJ Block A The Cemetery Exchange 24-0404-3

Cedar Park Cemetery - 735 Forest Ave, Paramus, NJ 07652

True Companion Crypt $22K! Cedar Park Cemetery Paramus, NJ Sanctuary of Abraham & Sarah #cemeteryexchange 25-0226-5 Deluxe Companion Crypt for Sale $13500 Cedar Park Cemetery Paramus, NJ Abraham & Sarah #cemeteryexchange 24-1202-3 Deluxe Companion Crypt for Sale $13275! Cedar Park Cemetery Paramus, NJ Abraham & Sarah The Cemetery Exchange 22-1222-3

Garden of Memories - 300 Soldier Hill Rd, Township of Washington, NJ 07676

True Companion Crypt $5K! Garden of Memories Township of Washington, NJ Bldg 4 #cemeteryexchange 24-0703-32 True Companion Crypts $14Kea! Garden of Memories Township of Washington, NJ Bldg 3 The Cemetery Exchange 24-0325-6True Companion Crypt for Sale $16K! Garden of Memories Township of Washington, NJ Bldg 7 The Cemetery Exchange 22-0809-8Deluxe Companion Crypt for Sale $23K! Garden of MemoriesTownship of Washington, NJ Bldg 7 The Cemetery Exchange

Classified Listings of Available Cemetery Properties for Sale In Alphabetical Order by Cemetery
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Cedar Park Cemetery - 735 Forest Ave, Paramus, NJ 07652

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

True Companion Crypt $22K! Cedar Park Cemetery Paramus, NJ Sanctuary of Abraham & Sarah #cemeteryexchange 25-0226-5
735 Forest Ave, Paramus, NJ 07652


Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need


LID:  25-0226-5

Property Type:


Mausoleum Crypt - Interior



(1) True Companion - Head to Head




Verfied As
Available Date:








Sanctuary of Abraham & Sarah



3 - Main Floor



3 - Eye Level



9113 - 9114













DO NOT TEXT SELLER - Seller will NOT Accept Texts. Please CALL the Seller Directly

click on image to enlarge

Indoor crypt at the Sanctuary of Abraham and Sarah, Cedar Park Cemetery in Paramus, NJ. Beautiful tranquil resting place for yourself or a family member. A True Companion crypt (head-to-head). Level 3 (eye level), on main floor of building 3, Unit 9113 / 9114. Current retail price $26,700, selling for $22,000.

Seller will pay the deed transfer fee of $700, as well as the cemetery's maintenance and preservation fee of $4,005 (15% of current retail)

Listing Specifications
- Available for Immediate Need
- Transfer Fee Included
- NJ Maintenance & Preservation Fee Included
- Vault(s) NOT Included
- Opening(s) and Closing(s) NOT Included
- Headstone or
Marker NOT Included
- Engraving, Lettering, or Plaque NOT Included 
Casket(s) NOT Included
Urn(s) NOT Included
- Funeral Services NOT Included
- Seller Financing NOT Offered

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

Deluxe Companion Crypt for Sale $13500 Cedar Park Cemetery Paramus, NJ Abraham & Sarah #cemeteryexchange 24-1202-3
735 Forest Ave, Paramus, NJ 07652


Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need


LID:  24-1202-3

Property Type:


Mausoleum Crypt



(1) Deluxe Companion - Side by Side




Verfied As
Available Date:








Sanctuary of Abraham & Sarah












1 - Prayer



7A200 - 7A201













DO NOT TEXT SELLER - Seller will NOT Accept Texts. Please CALL the Seller Directly  

click on image to enlarge

Deluxe Companion Mausoleum Crypt Illustration - The Cemetery Exchange
Illustration credit remember Architecture 

The indoor crypts at the Sanctuary of Abraham and Sarah Mausoleum are designed to provide a peaceful and dignified resting place for loved ones. These crypts are located within the mausoleum building itself, offering a controlled environment that ensures the safety and preservation of the memorialized individuals. It is a non-sectarian community mausoleum. All religions welcome.

The crypts are spacious, made of high-quality materials and are built to provide a sense of tranquility and respect. This Deluxe Companion Crypt consists of 2 single crypts with a double crypt front and plaques or names, dates, inscriptions and other types of personalization are permitted.

The space is thoughtfully arranged to create a serene and reflective atmosphere, with carefully planned lighting, decorative elements, and a quiet, respectful ambiance. There is a chapel on the same floor. The crypts are situated in a climate-controlled area, ensuring optimal conditions for the preservation of the resting individuals.

The design of the sanctuary ensures that these indoor crypts provide a lasting tribute that blends both beauty and reverence.

Current Cemetery Retail is $20,000 I am selling for $13,500.

Listing Specifications
- Available for Immediate Need
- Transfer Fee NOT Included
- Vault(s) NOT Included
- Opening(s) and Closing(s) NOT Included
- Headstone or
Marker NOT Included
- Engraving, Lettering, or Plaque NOT Included 
Casket(s) NOT Included
Urn(s) NOT Included
- Funeral Services NOT Included
- Seller Financing NOT Offered

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

2 Single Crypts $8900 for both! Cedar Park Cemetery Paramus, NJ Abraham & Sarah The Cemetery Exchange 23-0315-4
735 Forest Ave, Paramus, NJ 07652

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need


LID:  23-0315-4

Property Type:


Mausoleum Crypt



(2) Singles - Side by Side




Verfied As Available Date:








Sanctuary of Abraham & Sarah




Crypt Number(s):


9229, 9230





$8,900.00 for both







 Parents moved to Florida and will not be using their side by side NJ crypts. It's 9229 and 9230 in the Sanctuary of Abraham and Sarah at Cedar Park Cemetary in Paramus

 Listing Specifications
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Available for Immediate Need
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Transfer Fee Included
- DO NOT TEXT SELLER - Seller will NOT Accept Texts. Please CALL the Seller Directly  
 No other merchandise or services included

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

Deluxe Companion Crypt for Sale $13275! Cedar Park Cemetery Paramus, NJ Abraham & Sarah The Cemetery Exchange 22-1222-3
735 Forest Ave, Paramus, NJ 07652

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need


LID:  22-1222-3

Property Type:


Mausoleum Crypt



(1) Deluxe Companion - Side by Side




Verfied As Available Date:








Sanctuary of Abraham & Sarah






4 - Touch

Crypt Number(s):


9595, 9596












click on image to enlarge

Deluxe Companion Mausoleum Crypt Illustration - The Cemetery Exchange
Illustration credit remember Architecture 

 Double Crypt (2 spaces).   Above Ground, Bldg.3   2nd Floor Level 4 (touch level). Unit # 9595-9596. Selling for 25% off the current retail price: $13,275.   Current retail selling price is $17,700 (as of 1/8/23)  I will pay for the transfer deed of $650 and the Cemetery's Maintenance and Preservation Fund of 15% of the current price $2,655.
Listing Specifications
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Available for Immediate Need
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Transfer Fee Included
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Maintenance & Preservation Fund Included
- DO NOT TEXT SELLER - Seller will NOT Accept Texts. Please CALL the Seller Directly  
 No other merchandise or services included

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

4 Single Grave Spaces $15K for all! Cedar Park Cemetery Paramus, NJ Block 34 The Cemetery Exchange 22-1116-7
735 Forest Ave, Paramus, NJ 07652

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need


LID: 22-1116-7

Property Type:


Grave Spaces



(4) Singles




Verfied As Available Date:








Block 34



797 (West 1/2)



1, 2, 3, 4





$15,000.00 for all








 Four (4) Pristine Grave Spaces located in the beautifully maintained Block 34 at Cedar Park Cemetery.

Listing Specifications
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Available for Immediate Need
- DO NOT TEXT SELLER - Seller will NOT Accept Texts. Please CALL the Seller Directly  
No other merchandise, services, or fees included
click on image to enlarge


                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

Single Grave Space $4K! Cedar Park Cemetery Paramus, NJ Maple Park II #cemeteryexchange 22-0915-4
735 Forest Ave, Paramus, NJ 07652

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need


LID: 22-0915-4

Property Type:


Grave Space



(1) Single




Verfied As Available Date:








Maple Park II



Block 32



Line 17









 Grave is maintained by the cemetery on the lawn plan without cost to purchaser. Located in easily accessible area close to main administrative building. Surrounded by newly planted trees. Availability for purchases elsewhere in the cemetery is very limited while this new section affords an open feel with welcoming benches  for contemplation.

Listing Specifications
- Available for Immediate Need
- Transfer Fee Included
- No other merchandise, services, or fees included

camera_04.gif click on images to enlarge

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

Deluxe Companion Crypt $12K! Cedar Park Cemetery Paramus, NJ Abraham & Sarah #cemeteryexchange 22-0906-10
735 Forest Ave, Paramus, NJ 07652

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need


LID:  22-0906-10

Property Type:


Mausoleum Crypt - Interior



(1) Deluxe Companion - Side by Side




Verfied As Available Date:








Building 5



Sanctuary of Abraham & Sarah



5 (Faith Level)



14707, 14713










click on image to enlarge 

Deluxe Companion Mausoleum Crypt Illustration - The Cemetery Exchange
Illustration credit remember Architecture

InformationMark - The Cemetery Exchange Two side-by-side indoor crypts on level 5 on the upper floor of the Sanctuary of Abraham and Sarah in the beautiful Cedar Park Cemetery in Paramus NJ.  Current selling price is over $19,000. 

Listing Specifications
- Available for Immediate Need
- Transfer Fee Included
- Vault(s) NOT Included
- Opening(s) and Closing(s) NOT Included
- Headstone or
Marker NOT Included
- Engraving, Lettering, or Plaque NOT Included 
Casket(s) NOT Included
Urn(s) NOT Included
- Funeral Services NOT Included
- Seller Financing NOT Offered
- Jewish Faith Only

Garden of Memories - 300 Soldier Hill Rd, Township of Washington, NJ 07676

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

True Companion Crypt $7500! Garden of Memories Township of Washington, NJ Bldg 7 The Cemetery Exchange 24-0104-6
 300 Soldier Hill Rd, Township of Washington, NJ 07676

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need


LID: 24-0104-6

Property Type:


Mausoleum Crypt



(1) True Companion - Head to Head




Verfied As Available Date:








Building 7





















click on image to enlarge

InformationMark - The Cemetery ExchangeTrue companion (Head to Head) Level 5 unit 7E133 Sec. 18 Bldg. 7. Current cemetery selling price is $9,740.00. Seller will pay transfer and maintenance fees which is $1,527.00. Asking: $7,500.00

Listing Specifications
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Available for Immediate Need
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Transfer Fee Included
- DO NOT TEXT SELLER - Seller will NOT Accept Texts. Please CALL the Seller Directly
No other merchandise, services, or fees included

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

Single Crypt for Sale $5500! Garden of Memories Township of Washington, NJ Building 3 The Cemetery Exchange 21-1214-1

 300 Soldier Hill Rd, Township of Washington, NJ 07676

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate needListing ID:



Property Type:


Mausoleum Crypt



(1) Single

Property Verfied As Available Date:











Block 1

Lot Number(s):


Level 4 - (Touch Level)

Crypt Site Number(s):






PriceTagMark - The Cemetery Exchange Seller Price:



Please Call Seller Directly:




click on image to enlarge 

Single Mausoleum Crypt Illustration - The Cemetery Exchange
Illustration credit remember Architecture

InformationMark - The Cemetery ExchangeBeautiful interior chapel crypt. Level 4 - Touch Level. Mausoleum building located behind grand entry gate and easily accessible.

Available for Immediate Need

- Yes

Transfer Fee Paid by Seller

- Yes

Vault(s) Included

- No

Opening(s) & Closing(s) Included

- No

Marker/Monument Included

- No

Casket(s) Included

- No

Urn(s) Included

- No

Funeral Services Included

- No

Seller Will Finance for PreNeed

- No

Sold Cemetery Property

Below represents KNOWN sales. As a listing service, we do not get involved in the sale. We must rely on sellers letting us know when their property has sold and is no longer available. As a listing service, we do not know when it sold or how much it sold for.


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