The Prominent Nationwide Cemetery Property Listing Service
Hours of Operation - Monday thru Thursday 9:00am - 6:00pm EST
Friday 9:00am - 2:00pm EST



Deltona Florida

Available Cemetery Listings for the following Cemeteries:
Deltona Memorial Gardens, Highland Memory Gardens

Featured Display Cemetery Properties for Sale
Be sure to check the Classified Listings below this Featured Listing section for more available properties

Deltona Memorial Gardens - 1295 Saxon Blvd, Orange City, FL 32763

2 Single Grave Spaces $2750ea! Deltona Memorial Gardens Orange City, FL Resurrection 24-1024-3  

Classified Listings of Available Cemetery Properties for Sale In Alphabetical Order by Cemetery
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Look below - If there is a phone number on the listing - please contact the seller directly. If there is a button that references Seller Contact, click on that button
and provide the information we ask for so we can vet your information and place you in touch with the seller if their property is still available.

Deltona Memorial Gardens - 1295 Saxon Blvd, Orange City, FL 32763

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

DD Companion Grave Space $10K! Deltona Memorial Gardens Deltona, FL Resurrection The Cemetery Exchange 23-0314-7
1295 Saxon Blvd, Orange City, FL 32763

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need


LID: 23-0314-7

Property Type:


Urn Burial Space



(1) Companion




Verfied As Available Date:

























This cemetery space is peacefully located in a quiet area by a water fountain and trees.This space is located off of a quiet road leading up to the Garden of Resurrection where there is a short walk past the water fountain to the quiet and peaceful resting place.

CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Available for Immediate Need
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Transfer Fee Included
- DO NOT TEXT SELLER - Seller will NOT Accept Texts. Please CALL the Seller Directly
No other merchandise, services, or fees included

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

Single Urn Niche $3K! Deltona Memorial Gardens Orange City, FL Abbey Hedge The Cemetery Exchange 22-1229-5
1295 Saxon Blvd, Orange City, FL 32763

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need


LID: 22-1229-5

Property Type:


Urn Niche - Marble Front



(1) Single




Verfied As Available Date:








Abbey Hedge Estates - Building 2







Urn Niche:









The single granite front niche is in the Abbey Hedge Estate area. A beautiful garden area in building 2 NPC level 1 space 3. The site is in the back of the cemetery Between Garden Building 1 and the Abbey Mausoleum. It is surrounded by gardens and trees, offering a peaceful place to visit. This is the only niche in this area available for purchase; all others have been sold.

Listing Specifications
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Available for Immediate Need
No other merchandise, services, or fees included

click on images to enlarge


Highland Memory Gardens - 3329 East Semoran Boulevard, Apopka, FL 32703

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

2 Single Grave Spaces $3500ea! Highland Memory Gardens Apopka, FL Resurrection #cemeteryexchange 22-0225-4
3329 East Semoran Boulevard, Apopka, FL 32703

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need


LID: 22-0225-4

Property Type:


Grave Spaces



(2) Singles




Verfied As
Available Date:














3, 4





$3,500.00 each

This cemetery is beautifully landscaped and well maintained.  It is a "Perpetual Care" garden which means the property will always be maintained. It is not up to family members to care for the property.  Easy access from 436 in Apopka, FL

Listing Specifications
- Available for Immediate Need
- Transfer Fee Included
- Vault(s) Included
- Opening(s) and Closing(s) NOT Included
- Headstone or
Marker NOT Included
- Engraving, Lettering, or Plaque NOT Included 
Casket(s) NOT Included
Urn(s) NOT Included
- Funeral Services NOT Included
- Seller Financing NOT Offered



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Privately Owned Cemetery Properties