The Prominent Nationwide Cemetery Property Listing Service |
East Grant Rd, Tucson, AZ 85712
Featured Cemetery Property |
qr code for map and directions to cemetery
All 3 grave spaces are contiguous, with beautiful, sunny views to spectacular mountains to the north.
Adjacent palm trees, cemetery statuary, huge, mature trees with deep shade and benches nearby, and convenient road access only a few yards away.
Short walking distance to public transportation.
Grave spaces are 42" in width (current spaces are now almost universally 36") making for an open and spacious feeling, where one can walk and contemplate the beauty of the surrounding environment.
Walking distance to the cemetery's chapel, offices, and comfort facilities.
Current retail price at EL-P is $6,500/grave space; price for the 3 grave spaces is negotiable.
Spaces can be Double Depth upon payment of "2nd right of interment for cremains."
Type: Grave Spaces Quantity: (3)
property verified as available as 04/20/2023
2 Lot:
D Grave(s): 22,
23, 24
Seller Price: $5,000.00