The Prominent Nationwide Cemetery Property Listing Service |
7000 Blue Ridge Blvd, Kansas
City, MO 64133
Featured Cemetery Property |
scan qr code for map and directions
to cemetery
Beautiful location on high ground.
Easy to find as you can see James A. Reed Road gate entrance from the location.
Plot can hold one casket and one urn, though you will have to pay the cemetery for secondary opening.
Cemetery requires 3 business days after meeting to transfer deed before your loved one can be buried.
Type: Grave Space Quantity:
(1) Single
property verified as available as of 01/19/2023
Time Eternal Section:
35 Lot: 153-A Grave
Space: 4
Seller Price: $3,000.00
Call Seller Directly: 913-302-3797
- DO NOT TEXT SELLER - Seller will NOT Accept Texts.
Please CALL the Seller Directly
Entrance to Floral
Floral Hills Chapel
Plot to Right
of Pink Bouquet (looking Southwest)
Plot to Left of
Pink Bouquet (looking Southwest)