The Cemetery Exchange 866-754-6573

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North Hollywood California

True Companion Crypt $15750! Valhalla Memorial Park North Hollywood, CA Devotion #cemeteryexchange 25-0113-6

What to Expect as a Buyer on The Cemetery Exchange

Featured Display Cemetery Properties for Sale 

Valhalla Memorial Park - 10621 Victory Blvd, North Hollywood, CA 91606

True Companion Crypt $15750! Valhalla Memorial Park North Hollywood, CA Devotion #cemeteryexchange 25-0113-6 2 Single Grave Spaces $19Kea! Valhalla Memorial Park North Hollywood, CA Mausoleum Park The Cemetery Exchange 23-0822-4

Classified Listings of Available Cemetery Properties for Sale
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Valhalla Memorial Park - 10621 Victory Blvd, North Hollywood, CA 91606

True Companion Crypt $15750! Valhalla Memorial Park North Hollywood, CA Devotion #cemeteryexchange 25-0113-6
10621 Victory Blvd, North Hollywood, CA 91606

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need


LID: 25-0113-6

Property Type:


Mausoleum Crypt



(1) True Companion - Head to Head




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Available Date:






























DO NOT TEXT SELLER - Seller will NOT Accept Texts. Please CALL the Seller Directly


Mausoleum of Devotion - Double (Companion Head to Head Crypt).

It's located close to the Main Entrance and Chapel. This distinguished location offers a tranquil atmosphere, surrounded by lush gardens and a sense of serenity that perfectly honors the memory of your loved ones.

This Double Crypt is the only one available in this desirable location that has been completely sold out for many years. Valhalla Memorial Park price will be over $30,000 for similar burial plot.

Mausoleum burial is a highly desirable form of internment among families who can afford the associated costs. Mausoleum burial offers a dignified alternative to ground burial, and offers many benefits to grieving family members. Many who chose mausoleum burial do so to honor a distinctive life, as a loving way to memorialize the deceased, and to provide a beautiful place to visit and remember their loved ones.

Reasonable offers accepted. This's a private party sale, will work with buyer and the cemetery to transfer ownership and there is also an extra transfer fee charged by cemetery, negotiable. Available immediately.

Listing Specifications
- Available for Immediate Need
- Transfer Fee NOT Included
- Vault(s) NOT Included
- Opening(s) and Closing(s) NOT Included
- Headstone or Marker NOT Included
- Engraving, Lettering, or Plaque NOT Included 
Casket(s) NOT Included
Urn(s) NOT Included
- Funeral Services NOT Included
- Seller Financing NOT Offered

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Sold Cemetery Property

Below represents KNOWN sales. As a listing service, we do not get involved in the sale. We must rely on sellers letting us know when their property has sold and is no longer available. As a listing service, we do not know when it sold or how much it sold for.


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