The Prominent Nationwide Cemetery Property Listing Service
Hours of Operation - Monday thru Thursday 9:00am - 6:00pm EST
Friday 9:00am - 2:00pm EST



Birmingham Alabama

Available Cemetery Listings for the following Cemeteries:
Elmwood Cemetery, Jefferson Memorial Gardens

Total Page Listings: 9

Featured Display Cemetery Properties for Sale In Alphabetical Order by Cemetery
Be sure to check the Classified Listings below this Featured Listing section for more available properties

Elmwood Cemetery - 800 Dennison Ave SW, Birmingham, AL 35211

Deluxe Companion Crypt $7500! Elmwood Cemetery Birmingham, AL Bldg 1 #cemeteryexchsnge 24-0923-4 Single Grave Space for Sale $2750! Elmwood Cemetery Birmingham, AL Block 25 The Cemetery Exchange

Jefferson Memorial Gardens - 1591 Gadsden Hwy, Birmingham, AL 35235

2 Single Grave Spaces $2495ea! Jefferson Memorial Gardens Birmingham, AL Last Supper The Cemetery Exchange 23-0830-3

Classified Listings of Available Cemetery Properties for Sale In Alphabetical Order by Cemetery
We are the listing service. We cannot answer any questions you may have regarding a particular listing or listings.
Look below - If there is a phone number on the listing - please contact the seller directly. If there is a button that references Seller Contact, click on that button
and provide the information we ask for so we can vet your information and place you in touch with the seller if their property is still available.

Elmwood Cemetery - 800 Dennison Ave SW, Birmingham, AL 35211

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

3 Single Grave Spaces $4225ea! Elmwood Cemetery Birmingham, AL Block 24 The Cemetery Exchange 23-0810-5

800 Dennison Ave SW, Birmingham, AL 35211

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need


LID: 23-0810-5

Property Type:


Grave Spaces



(3) Singles




Verfied As Available Date:














1, 3, 4





$4,225.00 each








DO NOT TEXT SELLER - Seller will NOT Accept Texts. Please CALL the Seller Directly


3 Pristine Grave Spaces located in the beautifully maintained Garden/Block 24. Cemetery will allow monument rights on these spaces. Spaces can be made double depth with a separate fee paid directly to the cemetery. Easy access from road. Close to the cement tree and bridge.

Listing Specifications
- Available for Immediate Need
- Transfer Fee Included
- Vault(s) NOT Included
- Opening(s) and Closing(s) NOT Included
- Headstone or Marker NOT Included
- Engraving, Lettering, or Plaque NOT Included 
Casket(s) NOT Included
Urn(s) NOT Included
- Funeral Services NOT Included
- Seller Financing NOT Offered

click on images to enlarge

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

2 Single Grave Spaces for Sale $3900ea! Elmwood Cemetery Birmingham, AL Block 24 The Cemetery Exchange 22-0228-6

800 Dennison Ave SW, Birmingham, AL 35211

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need


LID: 22-0228-6

Property Type:


Grave Spaces



(2) Singles




Verfied As Available Date:











Block 24






7, 8





$3,900.00 each

Two spaces in lot 734, Block 24 at Elmwood Cemetery. These two lots are spaces 7 and 8 which are adjacent to one another.  The block is well known for its Mushroom tree which is not far from this property.  It is easy to access from the Elmwood main gate. The new owner will have Monument Rights.

Listing Specifications
- Available for Immediate Need
- Transfer Fee Included
- Vault(s) NOT Included
- Opening(s) and Closing(s) NOT Included
- Headstone or Marker NOT Included
- Engraving, Lettering, or Plaque NOT Included 
Casket(s) NOT Included
Urn(s) NOT Included
- Funeral Services NOT Included
- Seller Financing NOT Offered

click on images to enlarge

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

7 Single Grave Spaces on Sale Now $2Kea! Elmwood Cemetery Birmingham, AL Block 25 The Cemetery Exchange 21-0519-6
800 Dennison Ave SW, Birmingham, AL 35211

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need


LID: 21-0519-6

Property Type:


Grave Spaces



(7) Singles




Verfied As Available Date:








Block 25






1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10





$2,900.00 each


$2,000.00 each


$900.00 each

Multiple spaces (7) available in beautifully- maintained Elmwood Cemetery. Near one of the entrances and within sight of Chapel. * Seller will pay transfer fee if TWO or more spaces are sold together. Otherwise, Buyer is responsible for transfer fee.  Current cemetery retail is $3,695.00 each.

Listing Specifications
- Available for Immediate Need
- Transfer Fee Included if TWO or more spaces are sold together
- Vault(s) NOT Included
- Opening(s) and Closing(s) NOT Included
- Headstone or Marker NOT Included
- Engraving, Lettering, or Plaque NOT Included 
Casket(s) NOT Included
Urn(s) NOT Included
- Funeral Services NOT Included
- Seller Financing NOT Offered

Jefferson Memorial Gardens - 1591 Gadsden Hwy, Birmingham, AL 35235

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

Single Crypt $13K! Jefferson Memorial Gardens Birmingham, AL Abbey Chapel The Cemetery Exchange 24-0221-3
1591 Gadsden Hwy, Birmingham, AL 35235 


Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need

LID: 24-0221-3

Property Type:


Mausoleum Crypt



(1) Single




Verified as Available Date:








Abbey Chapel






D - Touch

















DO NOT TEXT SELLER - Seller will NOT Accept Texts. Please CALL the Seller Directly

click on image to enlarge 

Single Mausoleum Crypt Illustration - The Cemetery Exchange

Illustration credit remember Architecture

Pristine Single Mausoleum Crypt located in the beautifully maintained Abbey Chapel. This crypt is located at Level D which is Touch Level in the interior of the Abbey Chapel.

Listing Specifications
- Available for Immediate Need
- Transfer Fee Included if TWO or more spaces are sold together
- Vault(s) NOT Included
- Opening(s) and Closing(s) NOT Included
- Headstone or Marker NOT Included
- Crypt Plate w/Vase Included 
Casket(s) NOT Included
Urn(s) NOT Included
- Funeral Services NOT Included
- Seller Financing NOT Offered


                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

4 Single Grave Spaces on Sale Now $4900 for all! Jefferson Memorial Gardens Birmingham, AL Apostles The Cemetery Exchange 22-0718-9
1591 Gadsden Hwy, Birmingham, AL 35235 



LID: 22-0718-9

Property Type:


Grave Spaces



(4) Singles




Verified as Available Date:














193-C, 193-D



1, 2 / 1, 2






$NOW $4,900.00 for all
Price Reduced By: $1,000.00 








DO NOT TEXT SELLER - Seller will NOT Accept Texts. Please CALL the Seller Directly  


Lot 193C 1-2 & 193D 1-2 in the Garden of The Apostles at Jefferson Memorial Gardens in Birmingham, AL. Deed exchange will take place at the funeral home Jefferson Memorial. There is a $295 fee charged by the funeral home to exchange deed. If we sell 2 or 4 plots the fee would still be $295. We will sell 2 plots for $2,300 

Listing Specifications
- NOTAvailable for Immediate Need
- Transfer Fee NOT Included
- Vault(s) NOT Included
- Opening(s) and Closing(s) NOT Included
- Headstone or Marker NOT Included
- Engraving, Lettering, or Plaque NOT Included 
Casket(s) NOT Included
Urn(s) NOT Included
- Funeral Services NOT Included
- Seller Financing NOT Offered

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

6 Single Grave Spaces for Sale $3Kea! Jefferson Memorial Gardens Birmingham, AL Gdn of Devotion The Cemetery Exchange 20-0826-6

1591 Gadsden Hwy, Birmingham, AL 35235 

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need


LID: 20-0826-6

Property Type:


Grave Spaces



(6) Singles




Verified As Available Date:








Garden of Devotion






169A, 169B



3, 4  / 1, 2, 3, 4





$3,000.00 each

 Six spaces situated together, seen from Gadsden Highway at Jefferson Memorial. Well maintained garden with a lovely, large green area and surrounding trees. 

Listing Specifications
- Available for Immediate Need
- Transfer Fee NOT Included
- Vault(s) NOT Included
- Opening(s) and Closing(s) NOT Included
- Headstone or Marker NOT Included
- Engraving, Lettering, or Plaque NOT Included 
Casket(s) NOT Included
Urn(s) NOT Included
- Funeral Services NOT Included
- Seller Financing NOT Offered

click on images to enlarge

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

2 Grave Spaces for Sale $4800 for both! Jefferson Memorial Gardens Birmingham, AL Christus The Cemetery Exchange 20-0221-6
1591 Gadsden Hwy, Birmingham, AL 35235 

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need


LID: 20-0221-6

Property Type:


Grave Spaces



(2) Singles




Verfied As Available Date:

















3, 4





$4,800.00 for both








DO NOT TEXT SELLER - Seller will NOT Accept Texts. Please CALL the Seller Directly

These spaces are in the centrally-located "Christus" garden and are easily accessible from Gadsden Highway via two Jefferson Memorial entrances at either end of a semi-circular inner drive. The Christus garden is a lovely, large green area which slopes gently up from the highway and has scattered trees. 

One (1) "family memorial" (family name marker) is included with these spaces described as follows: "(model Lily #2) bronze plate 32 inches by 8.5 inches in size mounted on a granite base 36 inches by 13 inches in size". 

[Note that the current price of any available space as sold *by Jefferson Memorial Gardens* (vs a private sale) is $3295 excluding any monuments or markers.]

Listing Specifications
- Available for Immediate Need
- Transfer fee Included
- Marker Included
- No other merchandise, services, or fees included

click on image to enlarge

Sold Cemetery Property

Below represents KNOWN sales. As a listing service, we do not get involved in the sale. We must rely on sellers letting us know when their property has sold and is no longer available. As a listing service, we do not know when it sold or how much it sold for.


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Privately Owned Cemetery Properties