The Cemetery Exchange 866-754-6573

The Prominent Nationwide Cemetery Property Listing Service
Hours of Operation - Monday thru Thursday 9:00am - 6:00pm EST
Friday 9:00am - 2:00pm EST



Douglasville Georgia

Basic Listings of Available Cemetery Properties for Sale
We are the listing service. We cannot answer any questions you may have regarding a particular listing or listings.
Look below - If there is a phone number on the listing - please contact the seller directly. If there is a red button that says 'click here for seller contact',
do so and provide the information we ask for so we can vet your information and place you in touch with the seller if their property is still available.

Rose Haven Cemetery - 8640 Rose Ave, Douglasville, GA 30134

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

2 Single Grave Spaces $2300ea! Rose Haven Cemetery Douglasville, GA Azalea The Cemetery Exchange 24-0502-9
8640 Rose Ave, Douglasville, GA 30134

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need


LID: 24-0502-9

Property Type:


Grave Spaces



(2) Singles




Verfied As Available Date:














3, 4





$2,300.00 each







Easily accessible from pavement. Beautifully landscaped. Garden is SOLD OUT. No more availablility through the cemetery

 Listing Specifications
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Available for Immediate Need
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange- Transfer Fee Included
- DO NOT TEXT SELLER - Seller will NOT Accept Texts. Please CALL the Seller Directly
No other merchandise, services, or fees included

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

2 Single Crypts on Sale Now $3Kea! Rose Haven Cemetery Douglasville, GA Mausoleum West The Cemetery Exchange 20-0713-5
8640 Rose Ave, Douglasville, GA 30134

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate need Listing ID:



Property Type:


Mausoleum Crypts



(2) Singles

Property Verfied As Available Date:












Lot Number(s):


Level A

Crypt Site Number(s):


1, 2




PriceTagMark - The Cemetery Exchange Seller Price:


$NOW $3,000.00 each!


2 Pristine Mausoleum Crypts located  on the West side outer wall.

Available for Immediate Need

- Yes

Transfer Fee Paid by Seller

- No

Vault(s) Included

- No

Opening(s) & Closing(s) Included

- Yes

Crypt Plate Included

- Yes

Casket(s) Included

- No

Urn(s) Included

- No

Funeral Services Included

- No

Seller Will Finance for PreNeed

- No

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

3 Crypts for Sale $3Kea! Rose Haven Cemetery Douglasville, GA Eastside The Cemetery Exchange 20-0217-1

8640 Rose Ave, Douglasville, GA 30134

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate needListing ID: 20-0217-1
Property Type: Mausoleum Crypts
Quantity: (3)
This property verified as available as of 02/17/2020

Garden: Mausoleum Eastside
Section:  Garden Exterior
Lot(s): Level 2, Level B
Crypt Site Number(s): 14, 20, 26
PriceTagMark - The Cemetery Exchange Seller Price:
$3,000.00 each

Mausoleum Eastside, Level 2 Crypts 14 & 20 and Single Mausoleum Level B Crypt # 26

The Seller Will:

CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange - Make these Mausoleum Crypts Available for Immediate Need
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange - Pay transfer fee to cemetery
CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange -
Include Memorial/Marker in Sale

click on image to enlarge

Illustration credit remember Architecture

                   CEMETERY INFORMATION                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION                                                                                          SELLER LISTING INFORMATION

Crypt for Sale $4K - Garden Mausoleum - Rose Haven Cemetery - Douglasville, GA - The Cemetery Exchange

8640 Rose Ave, Douglasville, GA 30134

Seller has made their cemetery property available for immediate needListing ID: 18-1012-5
Property Type: Mausoleum Crypt
Quantity: (1)
This property verified as available as of 10/26/2018

Garden: Mausoleum
Section: West Side
Lot(s): Level 6 -
Heaven Level
Crypt Site Number(s): 24DD
PriceTagMark - The Cemetery Exchange Seller Price:

click on image to enlarge 

Illustration credit remember Architecture

Level 6 single outside (garden) mausoleum. West side crypt.

The Seller Will:

CheckMark-The Cemetery Exchange - Make this Mausoleum Crypt available for Immediate Need

Sold Cemetery Property

Below represents KNOWN sales. As a listing service, we do not get involved in the sale. We must rely on sellers letting us know when their property has sold and is no longer available. As a listing service, we do not know when it sold or how much it sold for.


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Toll Free: 866-754-6573
Toll Free Fax: 866-339-5501

Our Online Hours

Monday thru Thursday - 9:00am to 6:00pm EST
Friday - 9:00am to 2:00pm EST
Closed and Offline - Saturday thru Sunday

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The Cemetery Exchange, LLC, Cemetery, Lawrenceville, GA



The Prominent Nationwide Online Listing Service for
Privately Owned Cemetery Properties