The Prominent Nationwide Cemetery Property Listing Service |
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400 Woodlawn Cemetery Rd, Gotha, FL 34734
Cemetery Property |
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This Garden Spot, located in the Veterans Memorial Garden, is open to anyone for interment.
do not need to be a Veteran to be buried in this space.
The space
can be made a companion space with a separate fee paid directly to the cemetery.
Space will accommodate two cremation urns or a casket.
Woodlawn Cemetery's current retail price for a similar space is $13,000.
It is easily accessible from the main road leading from the cemetery offices and chapel.
Adjacent to this spots location is the Life of Christ Mosaic and Walkable Labyrinth, a must see to appreciate.
Also nearby is a memorial and tribute to all those lives that were lost to the events of September 11th, 2001.
Woodlawn is spread over many acres, with softly rolling hills and beautiful foliage.
It is impeccably maintained by the grounds staff year-round, hosts a special Memorial Day Service every year that is open to the public,
and sponsors various other events throughout the year.
Visitation times are very liberal.
Should you wish to view this spot, I would be available to show it (by appointment only).
Type: Grave Space Quantity: (1)
property verified as available as of 09/03/2024
Garden: Veterans Section: F3 Lot: 543 Grave: 1
Price: $7,500.00
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