The Prominent Nationwide Cemetery Property Listing Service |
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5598 Trumps Mill Road, Baltimore, MD 21206
Cemetery Property |
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Two "side by side" outside mausoleum crypts, Level 1 (Prayer level).
The location is Garden Building II in a mausoleum complex, Section 2D, Crypt numbers 30 and 31.
This property is located near an access road, but far enough from street traffic to make it very private.
There is very limited availability for this type of property in the Gardens of Faith cemetery.
retails for over $20,000.00 for both.
Type: Mausoleum Crypts Quantity:
(2) Singles - Side by Side
property verified as available as of 11/04/2024
Garden Building II Section: 2D
Level: 1 (Prayer) Crypt(s):
30, 31
Seller Price: $8,500.00
for both
the above photo(s) may not be a representation of sellers actual property location with the cemetery - but is a representation of the cemetery