The Prominent Nationwide Cemetery Property Listing Service |
660 Thompson Lane, Nashville,
TN 37204
Cemetery Property |
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credit remember Architecture
North Cross Mausoleum, 4th Level
(Touch Level).
Crypts 340C-341C.
Pricing includes opening & closing and lettering and vases for 2.
They are Deluxe Companion and at
Level 4 Touch Level.
The crypts are on east side of building with beautiful morning sun shining
through the large stained glass window.
Plenty of paved parking in front of mausoleum.
Cemetery retails for $30,000.00.
Type: Mausoleum Crypt Quantity: (1)
Deluxe Companion
property verified as available as of 12/29/2023
North Cross Level: 4
(Touch Level) Crypt(s):
340, 341 C
Seller Price: $9,999.00
*photo may not be a representation of sellers actual property location within the cemetery - but is a representation of the cemetery