The Prominent Nationwide Cemetery Property Listing Service |
2030 Wellwood Avenue, Farmingdale,
NY 11735
Cemetery Property |
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of a Double Depth Companion Lawn Crypt
Vault has already been preinstalled by the cemetery and is
part of the Lawn Crypt)
The property being sold is Lawn Crypt No. 42, plot C, located in Block No. 7, Section No. 90 of the Garden of Psalms.
This plot is easily accessible for visitation as the Lawn Crypts are located nearby Jefferson Drive, Adams Drive, and Circle "B" near the entrance to the Garden of Psalms.
Included in the lawn crypt is a concrete liner installed underground to accommodate two burials for caskets or urns.
The plot also includes a Matthew Memorial Bronze, consisting of two drill-tap bronze plates, with the original "Certificate of Full Warranty" provided.
Available for
Immediate Need
- Double
Vault Included
Companion Bronze Marker Included
other merchandise, services, or fees included
Type: Lawn Crypt Quantity: (1)
Double Depth Companion
property verified as available as of 05/03/2024
Psalms Division: Alfred
D. Locke Section:
90 Block: 7
Range: 38 Plot: C Lawn
Crypt: 42
Seller Price: $NOW
Reduced By: $1,600.00
Call Seller Directly: 631-836-3018
- DO NOT TEXT SELLER - Seller will NOT Accept Texts.
Please CALL the Seller Directly
*photo(s) may not be a representation of sellers actual property location with the cemetery - but is a representation of the cemetery