The Prominent Nationwide Cemetery Property Listing Service |
Acacia Park
7800 W
Irving Park
Rd, Norridge, IL 60706
Featured Cemetery Property |
qr code for map and directions to cemetery
A very nice spot in the shade of mature trees in the original West section near the SW main gate.
Very few unsold graves available in this section. A wonderful option if you want a site near older family plots.
Originally intended for my grandmother and her husband. He is buried there with no headstone and none will be added in the foreseeable future. She is buried in northern Wisconsin near family.
This single can handle THREE burials. Two caskets plus an urn, per the cemetery management.
A wonderful spot for a couple or parents and child. The lack of a headstone on the companion grave will allow your site to stand out.
Available for Immediate Need |
Transfer Fee Paid by Seller |
Vault(s) Included |
Opening(s) & Closing(s) Included |
Marker/Monument Included |
Casket(s) Included |
Urn(s) Included |
Funeral Services Included |
Seller Will Finance for PreNeed |
Type: Grave Space Quantity: (1)
property verified as available as of 04/20/2022
West Block:
5 Lot(s):
3 Grave
Site Number(s): South Half - Northwest Quarter
Seller Price: $1,750.00
*photo may not be a representation of sellers actual property location with the cemetery - but is a representation of the cemetery
photo credit Added by: The Dark Poet