The Prominent Nationwide Cemetery Property Listing Service |
Memorial Park
South Grand Ave, Glendora, CA 91740
Featured Cemetery Property |
scan qr code for map and directions to cemetery
of a Double Depth Companion Lawn Crypt
Vault has already been preinstalled by the cemetery and is
part of the Lawn Crypt)
This is space #4 lot 333 in the Hope section is in the most prestigious, quiet, and calm area of the Oakdale park; including in the property:
Opening and closing, The tablet (Marker), and installation and the internment
(The Cement container for both caskets. (Hablo Espanol)
Available for Immediate Need |
Transfer Fee Paid by Seller |
Double Vault(s) Included |
Opening(s) & Closing(s) Included |
Marker & Installation Included |
Casket(s) Included |
Urn(s) Included |
Funeral Services Included |
Seller Will Finance for PreNeed |
Type: Lawn Crypt Quantity:
(1) Double Depth Companion
property verified as available as of 06/29/2022
Hope Lot(s): 333 Lawn
Crypt Site Number(s): 4 Upper, 4 Lower
Seller Price: $12,000.00
Call Seller Directly: 626-367-9536
*photo(s) may not be a representation of sellers actual property location with the cemetery - but is a representation of the cemetery