The Prominent Nationwide Cemetery Property Listing Service |
Park Cemetery
6920 Lone
Star Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32211
Featured Cemetery Property |
qr code for map and directions to cemetery
In Lot 8 we have 3 spaces available - 49, 50 & 51. In Lot 9 we have 2 spaces available - 108 & 109.
Spaces can be sold separately.
Quiet setting. Currently the quote from cemetery is $4,299 each for their price. Our family has 5 to sell: 3 in a row, and/or 2 together.
Plots are
not needed because family no longer lives in Jacksonville
Available for Immediate Need |
Transfer Fee Paid by Seller |
Vault(s) Included |
Opening(s) & Closing(s) Included |
Bench Included |
Casket(s) Included |
Urn(s) Included |
Funeral Services Included |
Seller Will Finance for PreNeed |
Type: Grave Spaces Quantity: (5) Singles
property verified as available as of 03/24/2022
Garden: Prayer Lots(s): 8,
9 Grave Site
Number(s): 49,
50, 51 / 108, 109
Price: $1,100.00
Call Seller Directly: 919-931-4298
*photo(s) may not be a representation of sellers actual property location with the cemetery - but is a representation of the cemetery