The Prominent Nationwide Cemetery Property Listing Service |
4801 San Jose
Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32207
Featured Cemetery Property |
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Illustration credit remember Architecture
4 Privately owned
single crypts, available now.
Located in Unit VI, Section D Alcove with beautiful
stained glass floor to ceiling window wall,
on southern face, scenic northern
view of expertly manicured grounds and beautiful large stately oaks.
Crypts available at Level 4 (Touch Level) and 1 available at Level 5 (Heaven).
Prices: $11,000 each for level 4 (Touch) and $10,000 for Level 5 (Heaven).
It has been conveyed to the sellers that single garden
mausoleum crypts are no longer commercially available at this cemetery.
This is a private sale.
Thank you. May your family be blessed. Available for
Immediate Need
Available for Immediate Need |
Transfer Fee Paid by Seller |
Vault(s) Included |
Opening(s) & Closing(s) Included |
Marker/Monument Included |
Casket(s) Included |
Urn(s) Included |
Funeral Services Included |
Seller Will Finance for PreNeed |
Type: Mausoleum Crypts Quantity: (4)
property verified as available as of 03/23/2022
Garden: Garden Mausoleum - Unit VI Section:
D Crypt Site Number(s): 41, 42, 44,
Price: $11,000.00
each for Level 4 - $10,000.00 for Level 5
Please Call: Earl at 904-349-0953 OR
Please Call Seller Directly: 904-349-7325
Email: sandrasellsjax@gmail.com