The Cemetery Exchange 866-754-6573

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Mount Auburn Cemetery
4101 South Oak Park Ave, Stickney, IL 60402

Featured Cemetery Property

2 Grave Spaces for Sale $9200 - Garden of Devotion - Mount Auburn Cemetery - Stickney, IL - The Cemetery Exchange
click on map fo directions to cemetery


The 2 graves are located in the Garden of Devotion section which is a prime location.
One of the most beautiful gardens in the entire cemetery located adjacent to the main offices and entrance.

Available for Immediate Need. Includes Transfer Fee, Vaults.

click here to download printable flyer (you must have Adobe Reader to download)

*photo may not be a representation of seller's actual property location but a representation of the cemetery

Property Type:  Grave Spaces            Quantity: (2)
This property verified as available as of 10/22/2018

Garden:  Garden of Devotion   
Lot(s):  285   Grave Number(s):  9, 10  

PriceTagMark - The Cemetery Exchange Seller Price: $9,200.00 for both (Includes Vaults)

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